The "FreeWay" curriculum is a proven-effective
K-12 public school-based character education and lifeskills program, originally developed
by DATE (Drug Alcohol Tobacco Education, Inc.) in 1975.
It was completely revised and updated in 1996 and 2008 and has been field-tested in more than 350 of Missouris
525 public school districts. FreeWay prevention specialists have taught face-to-face
in individual classrooms (no assembly programs) over 1.675
million K-12 students . . . an average of 170 pupils
each day of the year for 27 years!
FreeWay curriculum features character education and teaches eight basic lifeskills .
. . the method proven to be effective in drug prevention.
FreeWay curriculum identifies 8 major lifeskills: values, self-esteem, coping, problem solving, communication, conflict resolution, decision making and natural highs. It includes 4 complete units of study with 4 lesson
per unit (16 classroom sessions total). The curriculum focuses on five
grade levels: K-1, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. Interactive
in style, it contains more than 100 fun and engaging
activities and games designed to teach students the FreeWay lifeskills.
curriculum is user-friendly. It requires little
preparation time by the teacher. All lesson plans and activities are reproducible for student
use. By helping to equip students with necessary lifeskills, the FreeWay curriculum complements and reinforces all other disciplines
taught in the school.
It is flexible enough to meet each individual schools
needs for drug and violence prevention. It is also pre-qualified
for federal and state grant proposals, meeting all the
necessary "Safe and Drug-free School" guidelines
and requirements.
The FreeWay curriculum has been proven to be "highly
effective" in reducing drug use among public school
students. More than 1,000 students were tracked in a
scientific study conducted by a college in St. Louis
in 1999. This survey showed that only 14% of the students
who received FreeWay instruction had used alcohol, tobacco,
or other drugs during the following year. In the other
"control" group of students who did not receive
FreeWay instruction, 33% of the students had used alcohol,
tobacco, or other drugs in the preceding year. Thats
a 19% difference! Click here
to read more.
Character Education & Drug Prevention Curriculum for children and
youth, grades K-12 is available and priced as follows:
Grades K-1: $30.00 ea.
Grades 2-3: $30.00 ea.
Grades 4-6: $30.00 ea.
Grades 7-9: $30.00 ea.
Grades 10-12: $30.00 ea.
Click here
for order form or you may call in your orders
1-888-7FREEWAY |