FreeWay offers 2-hour Community Awareness
Seminars for public audiences and organizations,
such as parent-teacher associations and local service
clubs. These practical, hands-on seminars will introduce
adults to the eight basic FreeWay life skills and explain
the concept of the prevention of drug use and violence
through life skills training.
Suggested topics for the Community Awareness Seminars
An Overview of Drug and Violence Problems in
- Intervention: Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use
and Abuse
- Choices and Consequences: Decision-making and
- Communication: The Key to Non-violent Conflict
- Helping Dysfunctional Families to Function
- Stress Management: Making Wise Use of Leisure
Facilitators are screened and trained FreeWay educators with experience teaching in school classrooms and leading seminars/workshops for parent and adult groups. These facilitators will share first-hand classroom experiences in lifeskills education and will conduct a question and answer session period upon request.
The costs of the seminars include:
- $200 honorarium ($100
per hour) for the facilitator
- Round-trip travel expenses
from St. Louis, including mileage (or airfare), meals,
and over-night accommodations, if necessary
- Hand-out materials at $5 per participant